The Polar Symposium 22-24 february 2024, Monaco

The Symposium will take place in person at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and will also be available via streaming. This year the polar symposium will bring together distinguished scientists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, holders of indigenous knowledge, and policymakers to discuss the challenges facing polar regions and their broad implications on the global system.

The symposium will be a space where participants will engage in workshops, highlighting the next priorities in polar research and policy, while suggesting avenues for future action. It will serve as a historic dialogue reaffirming the role of science in decision-making and revisiting the critical role of the cryosphere in the global context.

The symposium is co-organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), in collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco - the Prince Albert I Foundation, the Monaco Scientific Center, the European Polar Board, and the World Economic Forum.

For further information: The Polar Symposium 2024 - Program | The Polar Initiative