Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Exchange in the Antarctic Region

Research area
Atmospheric sciences
Specific research topic
Stratosphere-troposphere exchanges
Region of interest
Dome C, Antarctic Plateau, Terra Nova Bay
Project website
Davide Putero
PI establishment
National Research Council, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Turin, Italy.
Institutional website
Other institutions and subjects involved
Università di Firenze; Università di Bologna; Università degli Studi di Perugia; Korea Polar Research Institute
Consistency of the research team
Project status
In progress
Main stations used
MZS Ship
The project

The main objective of the STEAR project is to provide an assessment of stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) events in Antarctica. Our reference site is the Concordia station (DMC), located in the East Antarctic Plateau. New instrumentation for beryllium-7 (7Be) measurements has been installed here, with the aim of providing, for the first time at DMC, continuous measurements for the duration of the project. Measurements of 7Be will make it possible to identify the occurrence of STE events, and to characterize their seasonal cycle. In addition, the impact of STE events on (i) surface and tropospheric ozone variability, and (ii) atmospheric nitrate and snowpack deposition will be studied. We will also use some Lagrangian models, with the aim of better identifying and describing the complex flow of stratospheric air masses in the Antarctic troposphere.

  • Motivation, importance of research
    Objectives of the proposal
    Activities carried out and results achieved