International Telescope Maffei

PNRA14_00109 - 2015/AC3.01
Research area
Specific research topic
AGB observation (Asymptotic Giant Branch stars)
Region of interest
Dome C
Project website
Jean Marc Christille
PI establishment
Osservatorio Astronomico della Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta
Institutional website
Other institutions and subjects involved
Consistency of the research team
Project status
In progress
Main stations used
The project

The ITM - International Telescope Maffei infrared telescope has as its primary objective infrared observations of celestial sources in the NIR (J-H-K-Kdark) and visible bands U-B-V-R-I (Johnson's Cousin Standard). Among the main scientific goals of the ITM project are observations of AGB (Asymptotic Giant Branch stars) on which there are historical data obtained from Maffei campaigns and IR or near-IR catalogs. The complementarity of these data could lead to the definition of new standard candles for some AGB subtypes, beginning with MiraCeti variables, thus providing an important method for estimating distances even for elliptical galaxies, which do not have Cepheids present in their stellar population. Other science goals of the ITM collaboration are observations of exoplanets, which would undeniably benefit from uninterrupted months-long light curves, as demonstrated by our team's collaboration with ASTEP for observations of Beta Pictoris. In addition, the polar zone of observation provides a vantage point for observations of the electromagnetic counterpart of events generated by gravitational waves (Virgo+Ligo).
Finally, polar observations in the near-IR bands can provide crucial information on the final stages of stellar formation and evolution characterized by strong infrared emission.

  • Motivation, importance of research
    Objectives of the proposal
    Activities carried out and results achieved